Sunday, April 3, 2011


It's more than I ever expected.  Enclosed run for my babies.  The coolest gal you could ever ask to build your coop delivered!  LIFE IS GOOD!
Are you wondering about what 4 little pullets (the word for female teenagers) will need?  A few laying boxes with some hay, an area to roost, and somewhere to be safely penned while I'm not around. 
What us humans want: easy to clean, easy to move, easy to GRAB EGGS!  This little coop has it all and it looks like a little barn! 
For a minute we thought that it wasn't going to make it through the gate opening.  It is had been even an inch wider we would have had to lift it over, and this thing is heavy.  Lisa installed wheels so that we can move it around the yard. 
If anyone would like her name and number, just let me know.
Brooklyn is also super excited about the hens, the coop and even eggs.  I think it's cool that she's just the right size to get in there and clean it or gather stray eggs.

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