Sunday, May 8, 2011

The mothering of hens

Mother's Day is supposed to be a day that we celebrate being a mother, but the truth is, being a mom is so difficult.  We go about our business as professionals, wives, homemakers, party planners, and friends, all while trying to keep our children safe and happy.

From the beginning of this journey with the chickens I have felt a sense of responsibility to these girls in a way similar to the instinct that kicks in when your first baby is born.  What if a cat were to get them?  Or a hawk were to pluck them up? 

We patched holes in the fence and gave them a safe coop.  We watched them carefully as they roamed the yard with their beaks in the grass. 

Today Rosie went missing as the flock was together on the patio.  I heard the squawking from the other hens and she was nowhere in site.  After looking everywhere for her, and thinking about what I could have done to keep her safer, I started this post.  Midway through a knock came to the door from one of the neighbor kids telling me that she was in their front yard.  OH HAPPY DAY!  I cuddled her and carried her home to her flock who accepted her as if she had just run to the store for some snails. 

Being a mom is full of ups and downs, happiness and hurt, love and acceptance, and most of all taking care of our flock.  Becoming a mother teaches you to always have one eye on the task at hand and one watching out for the little ones. 

Sometimes it might feel like I have no time for me.  But in reality, I wouldn't trade any minute of any day.  Being a mother, whether to my child or my hens is perfect. 

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