Monday, April 25, 2011

Go plant some veggies!

Ever since we started raising chickens I've been thinking more about the food that we produce, consume, and the energy we put back into it.  I used to just believe that we grew fruit and veggies, consumed them and put the energy from that food back into the garden by tending to it.  A few years back we added a compost bin which added another element to the cycle of energy. 
Now that we have chickens I decided to put the energy cycle into a graphic diagram.  I sketched this the other night while watching Ratatouille with Brookie.  I had a hard time deciding which element to put at the center of the diagram, but finally settled on the vegetable garden.  The only portion I found difficult to represent graphically was the energy that the food gives to us and the chickens and how we put it back into the garden. 
I hope that this is food for thought for everyone and maybe it will inspire more chicken raising, composting and gardening especially now at garden planting time. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

They're out!

Friday morning, it was obvious that the girls were ready; ready to be out on their own.  I took the day off to do some work in the yard and get ready for Easter and this is what it looked like when I opened the brooder box to clean it. 

Rosie is such a ham.  She's front and center in every photo.  They were eyeing the outdoors right away.
They spent the whole day in the back yard with us and it became apparent that they were doing a fine job of foraging for food on their own, staying warm, staying safe, and staying together.  We had the preschoolers from next door over to show them the growth of the chicks and to educate them a little on composting and growing your own food.  Wish we had photos of the field trip.  It was a nice experience.  When I opened the bottom of the compost bin they gobbled up the grubs, worms, ants, slugs, and even black widows as quick as you could say "ewww."  It became apparent quickly who were the dominant chickens in the group.  They each played their own part in snatching up the bugs. 

They found their favorite spot behind the shed near the wood pile and stayed there much of the day.  They also liked the cleaned out garden awaiting the new vegetables and under the artichoke plant where I unburied my tarragon plant from last summer (the highlight of my weekend!). 
This is Rosie and Cleo in the wood pile area of the yard chasing each other.
 They attacked the area under my oregano from last summer!
I'm so happy to have the girls out of the house at night, but it does bring a new level of anxiety about their nights outdoors.  Is their coop secure?  Can a raccoon burrow under the run?  When was the last time I saw a raccoon in the neighborhood? 
For now I must just enjoy the time with them and not worry about what could happen.  I'll continue to revel in the fact that they're devouring my snails and slugs.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Free Ranging!

The beautiful sunny weather allowed us to head outside for a walk with the chickens in the backyard on Saturday.  It was the first time they all got to go out and see the big wide world.
They had their beaks in the grass most of the time.
It amazed me how at home they looked.  They knew what they were supposed to be doing.  These girls have spent their entire 3-4 week lives in a box under a heat lamp in the house, yet I saw Rosie snap her beak at fly as it passed her line of site.
Soledad the cat had her eyes on them the whole time.  She played tiger-in-the-grass and at one point pounced toward the chicks.  I yelled "NO!" and she backed off.  Once the chickens are big enough, the cats will no longer be a threat, but for now, I'm keeping a close eye on their interations.
My favorite part about watching them outdoors was that they stuck together in a flock the whole time. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Ameraucana's Big Name

At long last David chose a name.  It had a little to do with a recent fallen icon and a lot to do with a certain lovely makeup feature.  Can you guess "No Name's" new name???

Her name is Cleo.  Do you see the resemblance to Elizabeth Taylor's Cleopatra?  Liz's headpiece and bodice even have feather-like qualities!  It's meant to be.  Thank you Liz for the inspiration, and Cleo, welcome to stardom; you have a quiet simplicity that will be interesting to watch!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


It's more than I ever expected.  Enclosed run for my babies.  The coolest gal you could ever ask to build your coop delivered!  LIFE IS GOOD!
Are you wondering about what 4 little pullets (the word for female teenagers) will need?  A few laying boxes with some hay, an area to roost, and somewhere to be safely penned while I'm not around. 
What us humans want: easy to clean, easy to move, easy to GRAB EGGS!  This little coop has it all and it looks like a little barn! 
For a minute we thought that it wasn't going to make it through the gate opening.  It is had been even an inch wider we would have had to lift it over, and this thing is heavy.  Lisa installed wheels so that we can move it around the yard. 
If anyone would like her name and number, just let me know.
Brooklyn is also super excited about the hens, the coop and even eggs.  I think it's cool that she's just the right size to get in there and clean it or gather stray eggs.